Click on the Image to open the Meeting.All Media Copyright. Talk Street Photography - Brian Lloyd Duckett Capturing Mood and Atmosphere in Landscapes - Sarah Howard Storytelling for Photographers - JP Stones Lee Filters- Simon Garratt Mobile Phone Photography - Jeanette Lendon Long Exposure Photography - David Lowe - Zoom Meeting The World of a Wildlife Photographer - David Boag - Zoom Meeting Dog Portrait Photography - Nigel Ord-Smith - Zoon Meeting Tools not Rules - Caroline Preece - Zoom Meeting Wildlife - Malcolm Hupman - Zoom Meeting Street Photography - Steve Williams - Zoom Meeting Travel Photography - Chris Upton - Zoom Meeting Peak District Nature - Tesni Ward - Zoom Meeting A South American Odyssey - Paul Brown - Zoom Meeting Wild Scotland - Nigel Spencer Presentation - Zoom Meeting Mark Pain - Sports Photographer - Zoom Meeting Dave Alex Riddett - Director of Photography - Zoom Meeting Any requests to remove media please contact the webmaster at